Meet Lisa

 Hope is a waking dream. (Aristotle)

Greetings! My name is Lisa and I am embarking on the Adventure of my Lifetime.

From the farthest recesses of memory, I’ve yearned to travel.

Dorothy and Alice were my champions.

I hoped to see what and who be found beyond the visible horizon; over the rainbow, down the yellow brick road or perchance rabbit hole. I hoped to abide with foreign people groups and see life through their eyes…perspectives different from my own. What I have, I want to share with those whose paths I cross along the journey. Where aid is needed, give aid. Where there are hungry mouths, give food. If a hand needs holding, hold it. Where the innocent need protecting, stand up. And when fun and adventure are graciously served along the way, I hope to have a second helping!

These yearnings still surge, like restless molecules in my blood.

It is time.

 My PURPOSE, essentially, is to actualize my Life. Putting one foot in front of the other, follow whatever roads lead to living an authentic and meaningful existence. To have the courage and faith to boldly chase down the dreams that have been so deeply rooted within me…and witness the fruit that will be produced by trusting God enough to do so. Being a bona fide hopeless romantic, I held my breath & jumped in the deep end. I sold my Personal Training Studio & everything else I owned and am currently on the first leg of this virgin-voyage. Macro Mission Latin America.

I am currently in the jungles of Guatemala volunteering at a hostel/hotel which supports the orphanage I will be spending significant amount of time at. I am here for a few weeks learning Spanish (so i can actually communicate with the kiddos!) and helping increase their web presence. Getting here took me about 25 days through Mexico & Belize, so it has already been an adventure! Make sure to check out my travel posts! I am also writing for a new travel website called WORLD TRAVEL BUZZ, so be sure to check them out as well – there are lots of informative articles from stellar adventure writers.

PHILANTHROPY is the very heartbeat of my purpose. Period. Wherever this journey takes me, I want to leave the indelible mark of a good samaritan.

FITNESS is my area of expertise. With over 15 years of education and experience as a Personal Trainer, Yoga & Pilates instructor, it is something I have a passion for  & will post about frequently. I believe, strongly, that more days that not, we should have a reason to bob our heads & say “now that was dope!!”  As our pioneer sister Cyndi Lauper so eloquently put it, Girls Just Want to Have FUN!!!

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Finally, it is my goal to travel as Eco-friendly as possible. I am sincere in my promise to keep my carbon footprint as gently tread as I can. I truly hope my personal AuthenChic Adventures inspire you to take some of your own.

Until then, my fellow gypsies, I invite you to read and comment as I share these with you! Enjoy!

Happy Trails – L



“Knowing God is the greatest adventure of all time: a life-long pursuit, the ultimate romance, the fulfillment of every yearning. Apart from this relationship life is a mere shadow of its full potential. Remembering that even life at its best is only a dim reflection of Heaven proves that we have a wonderful future to anticipate. Be encouraged! At the end of the day we must come back to the same simple truth and accept it without conditions or reservations. Our lives are in the loving and capable hands of the Father. Our quest is to seek Him and follow Him to the High Places by whatever paths He chooses. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8).LAF

4 comments on “Meet Lisa

  1. Hi Lisa,
    I was so happy to have found your blog…reading about you and your adventures is so inspiring! I’d love to hear more about how you found the right opportunity for you. Thanks for sharing your adventures and I look forward to reading more!! 🙂

    • Thanks again, and I will happily do all i can to help. Congrats on finding your dreams and taking steps to make it happen! That’s the scariest part so far to be honest! I would love for you to share one of your “Get on the Road” stories with us as a true AuthenChic Adventurer!!! I’m so stoked for you! =)

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